

class image Summer Tulips Respondents: 5
Score: 4.60

sherri Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining

Talena Score: 4/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
I liked the fact that I wasn't put on the spot. I felt I was helped and I will definitely come back.

Steph Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
The choice of different colors so that I could make it my own masterpiece. Chris was awesome and very, very helpful!
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
I know it's sometimes hard, but it always seems so crowded when we come. It's hard to walk around in places and there's not much elbow room- especially for the wine!

dawn Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
the laid back atmosphere made the teaching very effective. the instructor was good.
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
perhaps offer more class times

Denise Score: 4/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining