

  Rainbow Tree Respondents: 5
Score: 4.40

Mandy Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining

Shaun Score: 4/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
Being with friends
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
Louder was hard to hear her

Tabatha Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
I like the instructor. She was funny and helped when we needed it. It was a lot of fun and I will for sure do this again.

Anastasia Score: 4/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
That we were walked through step by step how to do it.

Jessica Score: 4/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
The atmosphere was very enjoyable! I also really enjoyed the instructor's personality.
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?