

class image PRIVATE PARTY ~ House Party! Respondents: 2
Score: 4.50

Pam Score: 4.33/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
My experience as a whole...
4 - Chill ~ Relaxing ~ Therapeutic
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
Being able to choose the color of the door and making it more personalized

vicki Score: 4.66/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
My experience as a whole...
5 - I'm ARTdicted! Be back SOON!
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
The artist made it easy to follow instructions with hands on if needed. Everyone enjoyed that and the encouragement.
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
I think everything was fine
What types of paintings or art projects would you like to see on the Calendar?
Winter scenes.