

class image Gold Tree Respondents: 5
Score: 4.70

Paula Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful

Liz Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
The relaxed, no judgement atmosphere

Laura Score: 5/5
The instructor was...
5 - Very Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
The encouragement we got from the teacher

Adrienne Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
Thought I would be more stressed than I was. Had a lot of fun with my friends. Surprised me and my family at how well it turned out- my daughter said "YOU painted that!" and my husband wanted to know how much I did and how much the teacher did!
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
I couldn't see the teacher very well from my seat. I liked having the extra picture in the back to look at.

Karen Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was...
4 - Entertaining
The skills you learned were...
5 - Very Useful
Can you name a couple of things you really liked?
I have never considered myself artsy. This class makes you feel artistic and it is so satisfying to see the end result.