The Art Bash Studio
7704 Waters Avenue, Savannah GA 31406

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class image OPEN PUBLIC pARTy by Special Request: "Queen for a Day" - $35. FUN for Mother's Day! Respondents: 1
Score: 4.25

Kiofa Score: 4.25/5
The art coach was
4 - Good
The complexity of the painting was
3 - Average
The studio is
5 - Colorful, cheerful and welcoming
I enjoyed myself
5 - and had a whole lot of fun!
Additional comments and observations
I'm very grateful for such a wonderful staff. Mrs. Connie was warm and friendly from the first phone converation. The entire experience was great. My fiance felt the same way about the staff...... so much so that he decided to have them assist him with his proposal! We will never forget our experience at Art Bash.


