The Art Bash Studio
7704 Waters Avenue, Savannah GA 31406

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class image "Sav Fire Wives Ladies' Day Out" PRIVATE pARTy Respondents: 4
Score: 4.69

Erin Score: 4.75/5
The art coach was
5 - Very good
The complexity of the painting was
4 - Easy
The studio is
5 - Colorful, cheerful and welcoming
I enjoyed myself
5 - and had a whole lot of fun!
Additional comments and observations
Can't wait to come back. I've been looking through the different options. Got quite a few on my "wish list". Thanks again!!

Michelle Score: 5/5
The art coach was
5 - Very good
The complexity of the painting was
5 - Very Easy
The studio is
5 - Colorful, cheerful and welcoming
I enjoyed myself
5 - and had a whole lot of fun!

Amy Score: 4.50/5
The art coach was
5 - Very good
The complexity of the painting was
3 - Average
The studio is
5 - Colorful, cheerful and welcoming
I enjoyed myself
5 - and had a whole lot of fun!

Jennifer Score: 4.50/5
The art coach was
5 - Very good
The complexity of the painting was
3 - Average
The studio is
5 - Colorful, cheerful and welcoming
I enjoyed myself
5 - and had a whole lot of fun!


