class image Wintery Circle of Trees -(Studio Wine Bar, 21+) Respondents: 1
Score: 5.00

Felice Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
I can't think of anything needed to improve the experience, it was great.
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
We were looking for a fun activity to celebrate our daughters birthday. She Googled activities in Puyallup and she chose Arts and Corks
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
Regina, the instructor, was great. Her instruction was easy to follow and we all left with art pieces we LOVED!!!