class image "Sweetheart Tree"- (Main Studio, 21+) Respondents: 1
Score: 5.00

Larry Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
This was our first time, and everything was great.
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
We were next door at the Twisted Kilt and stopped in for a peek on our way back to our vehicles and liked what we saw.
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
Everyone was positive, friendly and supportive.