class image "Seattle Starry Night" - (Main Studio, 21+) Respondents: 2
Score: 4.67

Tyler Score: 4.33/5
Do you feel your instructor was
3 - Ok
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
The instruction wasn't always clear. I'm an educator myself, and the primary instructor's voice didn't always reach to the far side of the room. The secondary person was far more helpful for us and came by a couple times specifically to check on us.
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
It was really a fun and engaging idea for a date.

Amerika Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
Groupon search
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
Jill and Tristan were awesome. Patient and cool while still helpful. Great people!!