class image "Moonlight Stroll" (Main Studio, 21+) Respondents: 3
Score: 5.00

Susan Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
I don't know how you can improve on perfection! I went in sure that I couldn't produce a painting that remotely resembled what the piece we were painting, but was amazed at how helpful and positive everyone was.
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
I met Regina at the Puyallup Farmers Market last summer.
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
The friendliness and support from everyone there. I was totally out of my comfort zone, and went all by myself to try something new. I was surprised at what I accomplished. I couldn't believe it. I think I would have been more at ease if I had been there with someone else, but Regina and all of the assistants were the best at helping and guiding.

Roxanne Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
No judgement zone, very friendly and helpful, and great lessons and techniques learned.

Jessica Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
It was great, can't think of anything to change!
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
A google search. I liked the selection of paintings and ease of the website over the others.
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
The staff was super friendly, fun, and personable. Loved it! Will definitely recommend to friends and try to come back!