class image "Coffee Cup" - (Studio Wine Bar, 21+) Respondents: 2
Score: 5.00

Sarah Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
It was great! Everyone in our group loved it!
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
A friend found it on Facebook.
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
Great pace and friendly ladies running it!

Sheryl Score: 5/5
Do you feel your instructor was
5 - Entertaining & Helpful
The atmosphere in the Studio was
5 - Welcoming & Fun
Did you enjoy your experience with Arts & Corks Studio
5 - I had fun and would recommend it to friends
How may we improve your experience for your next visit?
It was a wonderful experience. I would not change anything.
How did you hear about Arts & Corks Studio? (i.e.- Facebook, Google, friend, local ad, drove by studio, etc...)
I have done this before with a group.
What did you love about your experience at Arts & Corks?
How well my picture turned out. I liked learning different techniques and using a variety of brushes. It was a totally different experience from the first time. I love that it is not the same.