class image WEEK 2: *JULY ART VARIETY III! 4 DAY ART CAMP 9:30am - 12pm Respondents: 6
Score: 4.88

Roy Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
How can we improve your experience for your next visit
Next time I would like to do a collage in one of the camps.
Additional comments and observations
Mrs. Hall was really supportive of my artwork and my trying to do grown up things.

Laura Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great

Isabelle Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
4 - Possibly
Overall my visit to the studio was
4 - good

mandie Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
Additional comments and observations
Payton LOVED the art camp and I was impressed with the amount of projects she came home with every day. Loved it!

Lynne Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
How can we improve your experience for your next visit
Make it the whole week instead of just 4 days. :)
Additional comments and observations
My children LOVED all the different projects! We will DEFINITELY do the variety camp again!

Reid Score: 4.75/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
4 - Possibly
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great