class image **AUGUST ART VARIETY FUN! - 4 DAY ART CAMP** 9:30am-12 Respondents: 4
Score: 5.00

Catherine Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
Additional comments and observations
loved the music choice

Cynthia Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
Additional comments and observations
She had a great time, met all objectives as advertised. Will see you again. Thanks.

Sean Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
How can we improve your experience for your next visit
A longer day would have been better especially since the class is 4 days.
Additional comments and observations
Great experience for kids. Would love something that includes drawing and painting instruction for kids.

Jena Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Supportive & helpful
The atmosphere was
5 - Fun & relaxing
How likely is it that you would recommend this business to friends
5 - Most definitely
Overall my visit to the studio was
5 - great
How can we improve your experience for your next visit
Wish you offered a full day camp option. Really could use the child care.
Additional comments and observations
She LOVED it! Great variety of projects.